Al-Mubin: Islamic Scientific Journal <p><!-- ######## This is a comment ######## --></p> <table style="width: 748.458px; height: 450px;" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="5" align="left"> <tbody> <tr> <td style="width: 354px;" rowspan="9"><img style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" src="" width="326" height="505" /></td> <td style="width: 449.458px;"> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>AL-MUBIN ISLAMIC SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL (P-ISSN <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2746-8240</a> E-ISSN <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2746-5535</a>)</strong> is an international journal published by the Institute for Research and Community Service Ummul Quro Al-Islami Institute of Bogor, INDONESIA. It specializes in Indonesian Islamic studies in particular, and Southeast Asian Islamic studies in general, and is intended to communicate original research and current issues on the subject. This journal warmly welcomes contributions from scholars of related disciplines.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Al-Mubin Islamic Scientific Journal has been accredited by The Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education, Republic of Indonesia as an academic journal (<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Decree No. 204/E/KPT/2022</a>). </p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Al-Mubin Islamic Scientific Journal has become a Crossef Member since the year 2020. Therefore, all articles published by Al-Mubin Islamic Scientific Journal will have unique DOI number prefix <a href=";from_ui=yes" target="_blank" rel="noopener">10.51192.</a></p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Al-Mubin Islamic Scientific Journal has been entered into an electronic licensing relationship with Information Services, the world's most prolific aggregator of full-text journals, magazines, and other sources. Therefore, the full text of Al-Mubin Islamic Scientific Journal also can be found on<a href=""> OCLC WorldCat Research Source.</a></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> Department of Research and Community Service at the Ummul Quro Al-Islami Bogor Institute en-US Al-Mubin: Islamic Scientific Journal 2746-8240 ANALYSIS STUDY OF CHILDREN'S EDUCATION IN ISLAM'S VIEWPOINT CHILDREN'S EDUCATION IN ISLAM PERSPECTIVE ABDULLAH NASIH ULWAN IN THE BOOK OF TARBIYATUL AULAD FILL ISLAM <p>The weakening of children's education that occurs in Indonesia as well as the problems experienced by national education and Islamic educators as well as the increase in delinquency committed by children. identifying the need to improve children's education, education that is not only focused on intellectual intelligence but education that reaches the areas of morals and personality according to religious teachings. This research aims to explain the methods and material presented by Abdullah Nasih Ulwan. This type of library research uses a qualitative approach. The data collection technique is document and content analysis as an analysis technique. There are several findings from this research, namely Abdullah Nasih Ulwan believes that children's education in Islam pays more attention to children's morals and aqidah. According to Ulwan, there are several materials, namely: faith, morals, intellectual, physical, psychological and social education. He believes that educational methods include: the example method, the habituation method, the advice method, the attention method, and the punishment method</p> Zaidul Hudri Ahmad Khumaidi Taufiqurohman Copyright (c) 2024 2024-03-30 2024-03-30 7 1 35 45 10.51192/almubin.v7i1.757 APPLICATION OF MARKETING IN FORMAL EDUCATION AS A STRATEGY OF DEFENDING THE EXISTENCE OF THE ISLAMIC BOARDING SCHOOL <p>In the present day, Islamic educational institutions face intense competition, particularly from traditional establishments, due to the emergence of modern educational institutes that provide curricula and novel systems, such as the integration of formal education. This motivates conventional educators to devise strategies for sustaining their operations amidst this intense competition. In light of the fact that contemporary society tends to favor educational institutions that combine formal education and religion. The Pondok Pesantren Miftahul Ulum Mount bubut, Tasikmalaya is also concerned with how to ensure its continued existence through the establishment of formal education. Subsequently, this study was conducted in an effort to assess the viability of formal education as a means of preserving the Miftahul Ulum Pondok Pesantren. Utilizing a descriptive analysis approach and qualitative research methodology, data is gathered via documentation studies, interviews, and observations. Subsequently, the data is analyzed through an interactive model comprising the following stages: data condensation, data presentation, and conclusion. The results of the study indicated that the Mifatahul Ulum Pondok Pesantren implemented a formal education initiative in order to ensure its continued existence. This was accomplished through the establishment of the Yapim SMK, which offered two disciplines. The school utilized the mix marketing approach to introduce and promote its offerings. These included an Islamic environment, extracurricular activities, entrepreneurial pursuits, affordable prices, sufficient facilities, a strategic location, a connection between the school curriculum and training, and the promotion of special rates for students who participated in the training</p> Iwan Sopwandin Copyright (c) 2024 2024-03-30 2024-03-30 7 1 1 20 10.51192/almubin.v7i1.716 ENHANCING WRITING COMPREHENSION IN L2 ARABIC LEARNERS THROUGH AI-BASED TRANSLANGUAGING CHATBOTS <p>The ability to speak a foreign language today is a skill that should be possessed by everyone, especially students, among whom are Arabic language skills. Nowadays, there are a lot of media and learning facilities that can be used to improve language skills. One of them is using AI chatbots, so this research is done to find out how effective these artificial intelligence chatbots are in improving the Arabic writing skills of L2 students. Second language acquisition poses a significant challenge when utilizing artificial intelligence chatbots for learning. Proficiency limitations in the second language can impede effective communication with chatbots. However, this challenge can be addressed through the practice of translanguaging in chatbot interactions. This study adopts a quantitative approach using pre-experimental methods to assess the efficacy of an artificial intelligence chatbot for enhancing Arabic writing comprehension within a translanguaging framework. The primary objective is to improve writing comprehension among Arabic learners as a second language (L2). The research involves 45 participants from Arabic language classes within the Department of Quranic Studies and Exegesis (IQT) at STAI Al-Anwar Sarang, Rembang. Statistical analyses and Bayesian inference are performed using JASP software. Both classical and Bayesian analyses are employed to validate test results, augment probability and sustainability, while maintaining a focused analysis of the impact of chatbot-assisted learning within the translation framework. The results indicate a significant positive impact of utilizing AI chatbot-based Arabic writing comprehension among L2 learners. The researchers foresee the necessity for further exploration in the realms of translanguaging frameworks and their application in AI-assisted language learning</p> Nely Rahmawati Zaimah Fatchiatuzahro Eko Budi Hartanto Copyright (c) 2024 2024-03-30 2024-03-30 7 1 21 34 10.51192/almubin.v7i1.753 IMPLEMENTATION OF THE EDUCATION OF THE ISLAMIC CHARACTER THROUGH EXTRACURICULAR ACTIVITIES OF PENCAK SILAT TO ENHANCE THE SELF-EFFICACY OF THE STUDENTS <p><em>Islamic character education has become a major focus in modern education to form qualified and responsible individuals. One approach adopted to this was through extracurricular activities in which Penca Silat became an attractive choice to integrate Islamic values and enhance the self-efficacy of pupils. This research aims to explore and analyze the application of Islamic character education through the extracurricular activities of Penca Silat in an effort to improve self-efficacy of pupils at Domas Siliwangi college. Data is collected through participatory observations, in-depth interviews, and analysis of documents related to the extracurricular activities of Penca Silat as well as the development of Islamic character at Domas Siliwangi College. Research results show that the application of Islamic character education through the extracurricular activities of Penca Silat is effective in improving the self-efficacy of pupils. Through physical training, martial skills, and Islamic values instilled, students experience increased self-confidence, ability to overcome challenges, as well as awareness of Islamic moral and ethical values. In conclusion, Penca Silat's extracurricular activities at Domas Siliwangi College can be an effective means to apply Islamic character education and increase self-efficacy of students. Implications of this study are the importance of paying attention to the role of extracurricular activities in building Islamic character and developing the potential of the student in a holistic way. It is hoped that this research can contribute to the development of Islamic character education and educational practices in other educational institutions</em></p> Dini Hayati Dede Idin Copyright (c) 2024 2024-03-30 2024-03-30 7 1 46 53 10.51192/almubin.v7i1.755 MUHAMMADIYAH PROCESSING STRATEGY IN FILM WORKS IN THE MILLENIAL ERA <p>Technological developments and globalization have a very broad impact on today's society and drive a change in the way people view and culture life in various aspects. Today's people can easily access and obtain the information they need through a variety of media, including religious information. People can easily learn religion through various platforms. This is what encourages religious practitioners to change the way of worship, and it is a challenge for the Muslims themselves to use this technology in effective and efficient worshipping activities, especially for major Islamic organizations in Indonesia such as the Muhammadiyah because Da'wah in the digital age has an impact on the da'wah world today in that it offers convenience, which will almost eliminate the boundaries of time and location between people. In order to accomplish this, how can we as millennials prepare for and adapt to the problems of da'wah in the millennial era by mastering technology, social media, and the internet to the greatest extent possible? The purpose of this study is to be aware of how was da’wah stategy was conducted by Muhammadiyah's efforts as a millennial-era Islamic da'wah movement. The research technique utilized in this article is called the library research method, and it entails the researcher analysing or reviewing journals, books, notes, etc., as well as looking at the findings of previous studies and other data gathered. relevant. Results indicate that Muhammadiyah created 8 films dealt with Muhammadiyah figures, whereas 5 were produced directly by LSBO PP Muhammadiyah</p> Yuike Silvira Mhd Lailan Arqam Copyright (c) 2024 2024-03-30 2024-03-30 7 1 54 61 10.51192/almubin.v7i1.498 IMPROVEMENT STUDY RESULT OF SCIENCE THROUGH VISUAL AUDIO MEDIA IN SDN GUNUNG BUNDER 01 PAMIJAHAN BOGOR <p><em>Most of the sixthgrade students at SDN Gunung Bunder 01 Pamijahan Bogor experience difficulties in learning Natural Sciences (IPA), especially in material for adapting living things to their environment. It was found that out of 18 students, only 8 students (44%) achieved KKM scores and those below KKM there were 10 students (66%). Where the KKM value determined by the school is 70. From the fact above, it is necessary to make efforts to further improve student learning outcomes in the material for adapting living things to their environment. One effort is to use audio-visual media in learning science. Research conducted using the Classroom Action Research approach Suharsimi Arikunto (2017: 19) defines Classroom Action Research as "Systemic Inquiry" conducted by teachers, principals, or school counselors to gather information about various schooling practices, including improving student learning outcomes. In the initial conditions (pre-cycle) student learning outcomes were very low, this was evidenced by the number of students who achieved KKM, only 8 students out of 18 students, with the lowest score being 40 and the highest score being 80. In cycle I it was seen that student learning outcomes had increased by 14 students who achieve KKM with the lowest score of 60 and the highest score of 100. In cycle II, student learning outcomes have improved well, this is based on formative test scores at the end of learning. 18 students (100%) experienced an increase in learning outcomes, although there was still 1 student (6%) who scored below the KKM. Using audio-visual media can improve student learning outcomes in science lessons on living things' adaptation to their environmen</em></p> Ria Rizki Agustini Copyright (c) 2024 2024-03-30 2024-03-30 7 1 62 73 10.51192/almubin.v7i1.752