<p><!-- ######## This is a comment ######## --></p> <!-- ######## This is a comment ######## --> <table style="width: 764.312px; height: 450px;" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="5" align="left"> <tbody> <tr> <td style="width: 492px;" rowspan="9"> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>CONS-IEDU</strong> is a scientific journal published by the Islamic Guidance and Counseling Study Program, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training at the Ummul Quro Al-Islami Institute, Bogor since 2021. This journal publishes scientific research results in developing concepts and theories related to the study of Guidance and Counseling Islam includes Islamic education counseling guidance, Islamic mental counseling guidance, Islamic career counseling guidance, Sakinah family counseling guidance, post-disaster counseling guidance, Islamic Spiritual counseling guidance; Islamic counseling: social-religious counseling, counseling on drug control, family planning counseling, adolescent counseling; BKI media: Islamic e-counseling; Islamic training, and Islamic motivation. Manuscripts that enter the journal editor before publication will pass an assessment through a double blind review, meaning that neither the author nor the reviewer know each other.</p> <p><strong>P-ISSN <a class="font-weight-bold" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2798-5040</a> E-ISSN <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2798-3218</a> </strong>This journal is published periodically twice a year, every June and December</p> <p>This journal <span class="st">registered in the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img class="transparent" src="" alt="" width="93" height="30" /></a>system </span><span class="il">with </span><strong><span class="st">Digital Object Identifier </span><span class="il">(DOI)</span> </strong>prefix <a href=""><strong>10.51192</strong>.</a></p> </td> <td style="width: 321.312px;"> <p> </p> <p><br /><img style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" src="" alt="" width="264" height="421" /></p> <p style="text-align: justify;"> </p> <p style="text-align: justify;"> </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table>Program Studi Bimbingan Konseling Islam, Fakultas Tarbiyah Dan Ilmu Keguruan, Institut Ummul Quro Al-Islami Bogoren-USCONS-IEDU2798-5040<p><span class="VIiyi" lang="id"><span class="JLqJ4b ChMk0b" data-language-for-alternatives="id" data-language-to-translate-into="en" data-phrase-index="0">CONS-IEDU memberikan akses terbuka kepada siapa saja sehingga informasi dan temuan dalam artikel ini bermanfaat bagi semua orang.</span> <span class="JLqJ4b ChMk0b" data-language-for-alternatives="id" data-language-to-translate-into="en" data-phrase-index="1">Konten artikel jurnal ini dapat diakses dan diunduh secara gratis, tanpa dipungut biaya, mengikuti <em><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">creative commons license</a> </em>yang digunakan.</span></span></p> <p><a href="" rel="license"><img src="" alt="Creative Commons License" /></a><br /><strong>CONS-IEUD: Jurnal Program Studi Bimbingan dan Konseling Islam</strong> berlisensi <a href="" rel="license">Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License</a>.</p>ANALISIS PELAKSANAAN BIMBINGAN KARIR DALAM PERENCANAAN KARIR SISWA KELAS XII SMK NEGERI 1 LEBONG
<p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi pelaksanaan layanan konseling karir dalam membantu perencanaan karir siswa kelas XII di SMK Negeri 1 Lebong. Jenis penelitian yang dilakukan adalah penelitian lapangan dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Data dikumpulkan melalui observasi di lapangan, wawancara dengan para informan, serta dokumentasi yang relevan untuk menggambarkan situasi nyata terkait layanan ini. Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif, yang memungkinkan peneliti untuk merepresentasikan dan menjelaskan pelaksanaan layanan konseling karir di lembaga tersebut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat program materi terkait layanan konseling karir yang diusung oleh guru Bimbingan dan Konseling (BK) di SMK Negeri 1 Lebong. Program ini mencakup layanan informasi yang berfokus pada pemahaman diri siswa terkait pilihan jurusan yang mereka ambil. Pelaksanaan layanan konseling karir ini dilakukan dalam tiga format, yaitu secara klasikal, kelompok, dan individual. Namun, penelitian ini juga mengidentifikasi beberapa kendala yang dihadapi, seperti ketidakseimbangan rasio antara jumlah siswa dan guru, serta keterbatasan sarana yang mendukung kegiatan bimbingan karir, seperti tempat dan jadwal untuk memasuki kelas XII. Selain itu, kurangnya kemitraan dengan pihak luar sekolah menjadi tantangan tersendiri, mengingat siswa yang lulus tidak memiliki jaminan untuk memperoleh pekerjaan di perusahaan atau melanjutkan pendidikan ke perguruan tinggi.</p>Aulia NurjanahHartiniSyamsul Rizal
Copyright (c) 2024 CONS-IEDU
<p>This study seeks to interpret the calligraphy of Qur'anic verses in the Pangkalpinang City Mosque from the perspective of religious moderation. This study began by describing the calligraphy of the Qur'an installed on the wall of the Pangkalpinang City mosque. In the second stage, this study will interpret the calligraphy of Qur'anic verses with an interpretation approach. The results of this study show that the calligraphy of Qur'an verses, which is generally understood by the people of Pangkalpinang City as a decoration of the mosque wall to look aesthetic and have religious nuances, can ultimately become a medium to call for religious moderation, by balancing between the activities of this world and the hereafter through the selection of verses of the Qur'a</p>Tinggal PurwantoWahyudi Wahyudi
Copyright (c) 2024 CONS-IEDU
2024-12-312024-12-314237939410.51192/cons.v4i2.1473DAMPAK GAME ONLINE MOBILE LEGENDS TERHADAP KEPRIBADIAN SOSIAL SISWA
<p><em>The online game Mobile Legends has become part of the culture and daily activities of the people, especially the younger generation and even children at elementary school age. Children who often play Mobile Legends online games will reduce children's activities such as learning and interacting with peers, because online games Mobile Legends have the potential to isolate children from the social environment.This type of research is qualitative research with a case study approach, data collection techniques through interviews (interviews), observation, and documentation. The data obtained was then tested for the validity of the data through the source triangulation method, and analyzed through a qualitative descriptive analysis with three stages, namely reduction, data presentation, verification or conclusion.The results of the study, namely: (1) Children who play online games with online game types that have elements of violence can have a negative impact on the child's social personality. Most of the subjects who play online games can have an impact on their social personality, including: addiction, defiance, speaking rudely or dirty, arguing or fighting. (2) The solution to the impact of online games on the social personality of Madrasah Diniyyah Roudlotut Tholibin Bojonegoro students is what has been explained by the Head of Madrasah, teachers and parents of Madrasah Diniyyah Roudlotut Tholibin Bojonegoro students. That is, there must be an active role from the madrasah and students' parents, limiting the use of mobile phones both at the madrasa and at home, making learning fun and giving homework so that time playing online games is reduced</em></p>Ahmad MasrukinWasito Wasito
Copyright (c) 2024 CONS-IEDU
<p><em>Children in orphanages have difficulty establishing open communication with the environment. This is due to self-and-external factors, so it becomes an inhibiting factor in the process of children's self-development in orphanages. The purpose of this study was to find out: (1) the condition of children's self-openness in orphanages before and after being given group guidance services with homeroom techniques, and (2) the effectiveness of group guidance services with homeroom techniques in increasing children's self-disclosure in orphanages. The method in this study is quantitative with the type of pre-experimental research and the research design uses one group pretest-posttest design. Sampling in this study used purposive sampling techniques. This study had a study population of 30 children and the study sample was 8 children who had low self-disclosure at the Mamiyai Al-Ittihadiyah Medan Orphanage. The instrument used is the self-disclosure scale with the Likert scale model. The data collected were analyzed with non-parametric statistics using the Wilcoxon signed rank test and assisted through the SPSS program version 22. The results explained that the pretest score was 82 and the post-test was 129.75, which means that there is an increase in the self-disclosure of children in orphanages. Furthermore, it is supported by the results of the hypothesis test which shows that asymp.sig (2-tailed) of 0.012 which is below alpha 0.05 (0.012<0.05) which means that Ho's hypothesis is rejected and Ha is accepted. Based on the results obtained, it can be concluded that group guidance services with homeroom techniques are effective in increasing children's self-disclosure at the Mamiyai Al-Ittihadiyah Medan Orphanage</em></p>Nabiilah Br. TariganAde Chita Putri HarahapPurbatua Manurung
Copyright (c) 2024 CONS-IEDU
<p><em>To find out the hedonistic lifestyle of students before being given information services assisted by short film media, secondly to find out how the implementation of information services assisted by short film media in reducing hedonistic lifestyles in students, and thirdly to find out how effective the information service assisted by short film media is in reducing the hedonistic lifestyle of students. hedonistic life among students in the Islamic counseling study program. The type of research used was quantitative with experimental methods, while the design used in this research was one group pretest-posttest using a sample of 59 people, and was selected again using a purposive sampling technique with a total of 8 students who were given treatment. Data collection techniques use Likert scale questionnaires and documentation. Meanwhile, data analysis used the Wilcoxon test. The results of the study showed that the level of students' hedonistic lifestyle before being given treatment was in the high category with an average value (M) = 80.375, and after being given treatment was in the low category with M = 43.625. Wilcoxon test analysis produced a score of Z = -2.524 which shows that information services assisted by short film media are effective in reducing hedonistic lifestyles in students of the Islamic Counseling Guidance study program at UIN Raden Fatah Palembang</em></p>Dwi Putri OktariaManah RasmanahBela Janare Putra
Copyright (c) 2024 CONS-IEDU
2024-12-212024-12-214218419510.51192/cons.v4i2.919VIDEO ANIMASI: MEDIA BIMBINGAN KARIR BAGI GEN Z
<p>This research aims to examine in the literature what the problems and needs of Generation Z are in career selection and development. This research uses literature methodology. Data is collected from literature, such as books, journals and notes. This article discusses the meaning, theory, previous research findings, and hypotheses regarding the relationship between the use of guidance and counseling media and the desire to use these services. Content analysis is the analysis method used. The results of the study show that there are various problems of Gen Z in terms of career such as social media where Gen Z cannot utilize social media properly and use social media not for learning, career planning influenced by authoritarian parenting, Gen Z's career expectations are too high while work experience and skills are minimal, as well as the influence of global competition that requires Gen Z to compete using qualified skills. The many problems make Gen Z need various things related to their careers, namely career development, salary, work life balance, flexibility, and work location. the use of information technology, especially with the existence of animated video media, in guidance and counseling services in an effort to meet needs and overcome problems in terms of career guidance, counselors can use animated videos that are made as attractive as possible for Generation Z by using animated videos that contain various materials that can improve the understanding, information, insight and knowledge of Generation Z regarding the careers they will pursue in the future</p>Jannatun AiniHartini HartiniSyamsul Rizal
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2024-12-222024-12-224219620810.51192/cons.v4i2.1446MAKNA KESEPIAN: SEBUAH KAJIAN TENTANG PSIKOLOGIS DAN SPIRITUAL
<p><em>Loneliness is a multifaceted phenomenon that impacts various dimensions of an individual's life, spanning both the psychological and spiritual realms. The main goal of the study was to explore the phenomenon of loneliness through the lens of psychology and spirituality, with a particular emphasis on explaining the definitions of each, the factors that influence them, and the results produced. The approach adopted in this inquiry involves the implementation of bibliographic investigation and critical examination of related sources including literary criticism, academic papers, and periodical releases. The findings of this study reveal that the interpretation of loneliness from a psychological and spiritual perspective plays an important role in mental well-being, including susceptibility to conditions such as depression and anxiety, as well as the potential for harm to spiritual well-being. The link between the psychological and spiritual aspects of loneliness suggests that meeting spiritual needs can reduce feelings of loneliness and improve psychological well-being. Strong spiritual resources allow individuals to effectively manage loneliness and stress, acting as a source of solace and calmness. These results contribute significantly to a comprehensive understanding and intervention strategies to overcome loneliness</em></p>Malikatun Khasanatil Marwah TS
Copyright (c) 2024 CONS-IEDU
<p><em>This research is motivated by the increase in cases of online gambling addiction, especially slots, among students. This addiction hurts students' academic, social, and psychological lives, so effective intervention is needed to overcome it. The purpose of this research is to find out the picture and effectiveness of group counseling with the thought-stopping technique to reduce online gambling addiction in students. The population is 85 students of the BPI study program, the sample taken is 8 people using the purposive sampling technique, which is a method of drawing non-random sampling samples that is carried out with certain criteria. Data collection techniques include using questionnaires or questionnaires and documentation. Data analysis techniques using the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test measure the significance of the difference between two populations based on samples.The results of this study concluded that the average pretest before M(SD) was 86,714 (3,773) and after the post-test M(SD) was 51,875 (5,194) Experiencing a decrease in online gambling addiction. Wilcoxon test results With Zscore = -2.533 with a significance value of 0.011 The results showed a difference between before and after group counseling with the thought-stopping technique</em></p>Beny AzizManah RasmanahHartika Utami Fitri
Copyright (c) 2024 CONS-IEDU
2024-12-212024-12-214222023010.51192/cons.v4i2.932HAMBATAN DALAM MEWUJUDKAN HUBUNGAN KONSELING
<p><em>The counseling relationship is a key element in an effective counseling process. This relationship is characterized by trust, empathy, and open communication between the counselor and the client. However, in practice, there are various barriers that can interfere with the realization of an optimal counseling relationship. This study aims to identify the main barriers in building a counseling relationship and explore strategies to overcome them. The identified barriers include internal client factors, such as distrust, fear of stigma, and difficulty in expressing emotions; and external factors, such as lack of counselor competence, cultural differences, and an unsupportive counseling environment. In addition, interpersonal dynamics such as perceptual bias and value conflicts can also affect the quality of the counseling relationship. The results of the study indicate that an empathy-based approach, effective communication, and cultural awareness can help reduce these barriers. This abstract provides insights for counselors to improve the effectiveness of counseling practice by strengthening inclusive and supportive counseling relationships</em></p>Pu’ad MaulanaYeni KarneliMudjiran Mudjiran
Copyright (c) 2024 CONS-IEDU
<p><em>Early childhood, which ranges from 0-6 years of age, is a period of growth and development that is very important for the child's future. This is also known as the golden age or golden age. This period is also very important to determine the next stage of growth and development of the child. In this era of highly advanced globalization, there are many emerging technologies that can have an impact on everyone, including early childhood, in this case toddlers, one of which is television. The method used in writing this article is a literature review, namely a literature search, both international and national. References are obtained through publish or perish. Television can have both positive and negative impacts on early childhood development, including cognitive development. The role of parents in this case is very necessary, one of which can guide and supervise shows that are worth watching for their children according to age limits</em></p>Suci RahmadiaDinny RahmayantyNurhayati NurhayatiWilujeng KurniatiIndah Permata Sari
Copyright (c) 2024 CONS-IEDU
<p><em>Students studying outside their region often encounter challenges in their initial years of adaptation. This study investigates the impact of hedonic lifestyle and culture shock on the adjustment of the newcomer students. Employing a quantitative survey approach, data were gathered from newcomer students at a university in Jambi Province, Indonesia, utilizing convenience sampling, resulting in a sample of 93 students. The researchers utilized the Hedonic Lifestyle Scale, Culture Shock Scale, and Academic Adjustment Scale. Hypothesis testing utilized simple and multiple regression analyses. The research findings confirmed a significant negative correlation between hedonic lifestyle, culture shock, and the adaptation of international students, suggesting that lower hedonic lifestyle and culture shock correspond to higher adaptability levels. This study offers crucial insights for interventions targeting overseas students, focusing on mitigating hedonic lifestyle influences and alleviating culture shock</em></p>Restia FerdiantiEko SujadiBetaria Putra
Copyright (c) 2024 CONS-IEDU
<p><em>The study is entitled "The Relationship of Self-Concept with Dressed Behavior in K-Pop and K-Drama Fans (Hallyu Wave). The aim of the study is to find out the relationship between self-concept and dressed behavior among K-pop and K -drama fans. This type of research is quantitative with correlation methods. The sample was taken from a total of 30 students using purposesive sampling techniques, where the criteria are K-pop and K-drama (hallyu wave) students, focusing on female students, students who access K-Pop and K -drama with intensity frequently and very often. Data collection techniques using questionnaires or queries and documentation, with a total of about 20 questions from each variable. Once validity tested with R count result greater than R table then the instrument is declared valid. Data analysis techniques used using moment product correlation tests. The results of this study show that from the product moment correlation data test results there is a relationship between self-concept and dressed behavior with a strong relationship category. The determination of the relationship is based on the interpretation of a coefficient of 0.60-0.799. The two variables have a positive relationship, which means that the more self-concepts are overwhelmed, the more K-pop and K-drama fans dress up. (hallyu wave).</em></p>Eka Syafitri EkaManah RasmanahBela Janare Putra
Copyright (c) 2024 CONS-IEDU
<p><em>Public speaking is the skill of conveying information, messages, ideas or suggestions in front of a group of people with the aim of conveying information, influencing or entertaining. This research aims to describe counseling techniques that can be used to improve students' public speaking skills. The research method used in the research is literature study, namely by reading and reviewing various sources in the form of journal articles over a period of 5 years. The research results show counseling techniques that can be used to improve students' public speaking skills such as self-talk techniques, sociodrama, discussion, positive reinforcement, modeling, assertive training, and role play.</em></p>Lilik NursilowatiBakhrudin All HabsyMochamad NursalimBudiyanto Budiyanto
Copyright (c) 2024 CONS-IEDU
<p><em>Students who habitually skip class can be caused by a lack of self-control. Self-control is said to be the ability to control behavior, feelings, emotions, decisions and actions that arise out of will so that it can lead to a positive direction. This research aims to determine the relationship between self-control and truant behavior in grade 7 students at SMP PGRI 6 Bogor. The hypothesis proposed in this research is that there is a negative relationship between self-control and truant behavior. The subjects in this research were 97 students of SMP PGRI 6 Bogor. The sampling technique used is non-probability sampling technique. (Saturated Sampling). Research data was collected using two scales, namely the self-control scale and the truant behavior scale. Data collection techniques use primary data and secondary data. The results of the study showed that there was a negative relationship between self-control and truant behavior as indicated by a significance result of -0.199. This shows that there is a very significant negative relationship between self-control and truancy behavior of grade 7 students at SMP PGRI 6 Bogor</em></p>Dhea Nurfadhilla PriandiniKholil NawawiNoor Isna Alfaien
Copyright (c) 2024 CONS-IEDU
<p><em>Research shows that repentance can help individuals overcome various mental health problems, such as anxiety, depression, and guilt. Mental health counseling can play an important role in increasing awareness of repentance and assisting individuals in the process of repentance. Purpose of the Study This study aims to understand the role of mental health counseling in increasing awareness of repentance in Islam. This study uses a library research method by reviewing literature related to repentance, mental health, and counseling in the context of Islam. The data sources used include books, scientific journals, and scientific articles. The results of the study indicate that repentance and mental health have a close relationship. Repentance can help individuals achieve optimal mental health, and mental health counseling can assist individuals in the process of repentance. Mental health counseling can help individuals by: Assessing the individual's psychological condition, providing appropriate counseling and guidance services, helping individuals understand the root of their problems, increasing individual self-awareness, developing individual coping skills, strengthening individual faith, helping individuals to make a repentance plan. Conclusion, repentance and mental health counseling are two important elements in achieving optimal mental and spiritual health. By combining the two, individuals can find solutions to the psychological problems they face and live a more positive and meaningful life</em></p>Reza MuttaqinMira FauziahZalikha ZalikhaJarnawi Jarnawi
Copyright (c) 2024 CONS-IEDU
<p><em>School bullies often display repeated aggressive behavior with the aim of dominating or hurting their peers. The motives behind their actions can vary, ranging from a desire to demonstrate power, seek attention, or even resolve unresolved personal issues. The aim of this research is to determine the causes of the formation of self-concept in students who are bullies, as well as identifying internal and external factors that influence the formation of this self-concept. The research method used is qualitative, with a case study type. The data collection method is through interviews, observation and documentation. The interviews used were in-depth interviews, while the observations were non-participant, then documentation in the form of data from the Kuningan Police and UPTD PPA DPPKBP3A Service. Data analysis uses data reduction, data presentation, drawing conclusions. Validity of data with transferability test, dependability test and confirmability test. The subjects used were 2 students, the first one was at the Head of the Kuningan Police PPA Unit, and the other was at the UPTD PPA DPPKBP3A Service. The results of this research are that Subject FZ has a negative self-portrait because what FZ is proud of is influencing other people easily, so it would be very dangerous if anything he said that made other people's emotions rise. Meanwhile, the portrait of SL's self-concept is also quite negative, with the description of SL's character who easily believes other people's words, and SL's emotions have always been less able to be conditioned, meaning that in solving problems SL is used to using action rather than discussing first</em></p>Muhamad Ifan FauziRini SugiartiErwin Erlangga
Copyright (c) 2024 CONS-IEDU
<p><em>This article is entitled "Sufistic ethics in handling ruqyah syar'iyah". This research aims to find out how to handle ruqyah and how to treat it. This research uses a qualitative approach. To obtain more accurate data, researchers used several literature or library materials (Library Research), namely by searching for data through reading reference books and available publication materials and then putting them together to form one relevant unit. Ruqyah syar’iyah can also be an effective therapy for patients who experience physical and psychological illnesses (stress or madness). Islam takes seriously the rules of treatment and who carries out treatment on patients so that it is in line with the demands of society and this is what differentiates Islamic treatment from improper treatment. It is mandatory for a convert to have aqidah that is clean from prohibited things, always carry out orders and abandon the prohibitions of Allah SWT, in order to obtain true healing and be blessed by Allah SWT. The ruqyah treatment process begins with the healer reading ruqyah verses to the patient. When reciting verses from the Koran, the patient will react as if his whole body is shaking, vomiting something, becoming unconscious. Patients cannot expect or depend completely on the teacher. But the patient must be persistent in carrying out the practices that have been taught by the convert to protect himself. By carrying out these practices with istiqomah, he will give strength to the patient's spiritual and physical health. Furthermore, patients can get healing and avoid being exposed to non-medical diseases (jinn and demons) again</em></p>Badrudin BadrudinSela MitaMuhammad Rizki Azkiya
Copyright (c) 2024 CONS-IEDU
<p><em>To rebuild national identity and encourage the formation of a new Indonesian society, character education is an important and strategic step. This research uses a library approach. The results of this study show that building student character is not easy and not fast. To be reflective and practical, it requires continuous effort and deep reflection to make a series of moral decisions that must be followed up with concrete actions.It takes time for all of this to become a habit and become a person's character or character.The character of education must involve various elements: society, school environment, family and household. Reconnecting educational relationships and networks that are almost broken between these three educational environments is the main step that must be taken</em></p>Dinny RahmayantyUmi Lailatul KhasanahRatna Herawati EmosdaAnnisa Putri RinjaniDinda Anggraini
Copyright (c) 2024 CONS-IEDU
2024-12-212024-12-214232032810.51192/cons.v4i2.889PERAN GANDA PEREMPUAN DALAM MENYEIMBANGKAN KARIER DAN KELUARGA
<p><em>Modern women are faced with the dual role of being a homemaker and a careerist. This can be a big challenge, as both roles are equally important and require a high level of dedication and bring various challenges in balancing work and family responsibilities. Women's dual role in balancing career and family is one of the important cornerstones in creating balanced well-being. Women who work and have a role as housewives must manage their time and energy well to ensure family welfare and increase family income. This article discusses the dual role of women and the strategies that can be applied to achieve a balance between career and family</em></p>Rasikha Aulia PutriDinny Rahmayanty
Copyright (c) 2024 CONS-IEDU
<p><em>The aim of this research is to first find out the meaning of children's lives before being given humanistic existential counseling using digital comic media. Second, the meaningfulness of children's lives after being given humanistic existential counseling using digital comic media. And third, to find out whether humanistic existential counseling using digital comic media is effective in increasing the meaningfulness of life for children at the Al-Fatih orphanage. This research method uses a quantitative approach with experimental research type and one group pretest and posttest design. From a total population of 30 children, 10 samples were taken. The data collection technique in this research used documentation and a questionnaire with a total of 19 statements which had been tested for the validity of rcount > rtable with a value range of rcount 0.391-0.639 and rtable 0.390. Data analysis techniques use normality tests and hypothesis testing. The results of the research show that the majority of children in the Al-Fatih orphanage are in the medium category. From the results of the normality test, the pretest was 0.191 and the posttest was 0.457 and the T test showed that the significant value (2-tailed) of 0.000 was smaller than 0.05, meaning that Ha was accepted and H0 was rejected, and there was a difference between the pretest and posttest. Therefore, humanist existential counseling using digital comic media has an influence in increasing the meaningfulness of the lives of Al-Fatih orphanage children</em></p>Nurul ShadyahSuryati SuryatiBela Janare Putra
Copyright (c) 2024 CONS-IEDU
2024-12-202024-12-204233534010.51192/cons.v4i2.1121METODE TARGHIB DAN TARHIB DALAM MEMBENTUK AKHLAK SISWA SEKOLAH DASAR
<p><em>A series of social deviance incidents among students has caused widespread concern, highlighting the importance of researching the implementation of effective educational methods to shape the character of elementary school students. Early habituation to noble character is essential to nurture a generation with bright futures. This study employs a qualitative method, gathering data through observation, interviews, and documentation, and analyzing it through descriptive interpretative techniques. The research focuses on SDIT Al-Hidayah Bogor. The findings reveal that the implementation of the Targhib and Tarhib methods in shaping students' character is carried out systematically through the use of effective strategies integrated into a conducive school system and environment. Consequently, the learning process and school programs synergize to foster students' character development in the school, family, and community settings</em></p>Abdul Jabar IdharudinSamsuddin SamsuddinAditya M. YusupMariyanto Nur Shamsul
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<p><em>This research article discusses the application of Islamic values in Integrated Quality Management (IQM) of behavior-based education, emphasizing the integration of Islamic principles in all aspects of educational management. This study is a library research with a qualitative approach, using content analysis methods to analyze documents presented analytically. The research findings indicate that behavior-based IQM in education, grounded in Islamic values, functions as a tool to achieve the vision of Islamic education in building a better civilization. Islamic values in IQM include tauhid as the foundation, akhlak as both the goal and process, justice as the pillar of balance, and responsibility and trust. This approach emphasizes the role of educators as role models and the creation of an Islamic school culture that supports the formation of noble character. Sincerity becomes the main motivation in education, with the goal of educating students for the sake of Allah's pleasure. Collaboration between teachers, parents, and the community is also crucial for the success of education, as well as the holistic development of individual potential</em></p>Unang SodikinMaemunah Sa’diyahSamsuddin SamsuddinIskandar Iskandar
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