Main Article Content
This research aims to find out the process of implementing the Qur'anic tahfidz program conducted at SD
Sains Alumnika Palembang in order to run well and to find out supporting factors and obstacles in the
implementation of the Qur'anic tahfidz program at Alumnika Palembang Science Elementary School. In
this study, researchers used this type of qualitative research using a qualitative descriptive approach. The
informants in this study were the principal, the head of the Qur'anic tahfidz program and the tahfidz
teacher at Alumnika Palembang Science Elementary School. Data collection techniques through
interviews, observations, and documentation. While data analysis techniques through data reduction,
data presentation, and conclusion withdrawal. The results of this study showed that the implementation of
the Qur'anic tahfidz program at Alumnika Palembang Science Elementary School has been going well
starting from organizing, directing, motivation, and coordination. The supporting factors for the
implementation of the Qur'anic tahfidz program are due to motivation, the age of students who are still
children, the availability of tahfidz teachers and the support of parents of students. While the inhibiting
factor in the implementation of the Qur’anic tahfidz program is that there are some students who have not
been able to preach so that they have not mastered the makhorijul letters and tajwid and students do not
repeat memorization regulary so that the memorization becomes quickly forgetten
Article Details
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