Some of the policies in the Journal of Islamic Education Management: Al-Munadzomah Each submitted article will be reviewed by the editor. The review process uses a double-blind review, that is, the reviewer does not know the identity of the author, and the writer does not know the identity of the reviewer. In the review process, the reviewer considers the suitability of the title, abstract, introduction, methods, results and discussion (findings) and conclusions.
In addition, the editor also considers the novelty, scientific impact, and references used in the article. The reviewers' responses will be the basis for the Editors to conclude:
Accept Submissions
Revision Required
Resubmit for review
Resend elsewhere
Reject Submission
An article is rejected for publication for various reasons, including:
Article not in accordance with the scope of the journal.
Articles do not follow the rules for writing scientific papers or author guidelines.
Fundamental methodological error.
The author refuses to provide suggestions for improvement given by the reviewers without any logical basis.
There are indications of plagiarism of more than 20%.