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Children are a gift from Allah SWT. which is very worthy of gratitude. The main role of parents is responsible for raising children and providing the best parenting pattern for children. In today's era, it is very easy for children to access technological sophistication. Today's technological sophistication can have a positive and negative influence on children's personalities, so it is important for parents to be able to provide understanding, assistance and supervision for their children in everyday life. Proper parenting carried out by parents can affect the development of their children in the future. Positive parenting is a positive parenting approach that aims to encourage child growth and development and manage children's behavior constructively and not hurtfully. This parenting pattern with Positive Parenting has also been written in several verses of the Qur'an that have been studied by scholars in Indonesia, one of which is Quraish Shihab. This study was conducted to determine Positive Parenting in educating children today based on the Quraish Shihab Perspective.This study used a literature approach. The literature used in this study is research sources or previous studies as reference sources, such as scientific journals, tafsir, articles and other supporting reference sources. The results of this study show that Positive Parenting can be done by parents in educating children today based on the Quraish Shihab Perspective, namely parents have the obligation to provide protection to children so that children do not fall into the wrong environment or association and help children in forming character. According to the Quraish Shihab Perspective sourced from the Qur'an, parents always provide nurturing with moral formation and manners to children. Parents teach children not to be sombing and arrogant. In communicating with children, especially in today's digital era, parents can speak in a low voice, be gentle to children, not be rude to children, easily forgive children and always consult with children. By implementing positive parenting, it is hoped that children can develop self-potential that is useful in protecting and building good communication and accustoming children to do good to parents and others
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