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Muhammad Harwansyah Putra Sinaga
Mhd Halim Yusri


The aim of this research is to describe the general problems experienced by novice counselors when carrying out Field Introduction Practice I (PPL-I) at school. The research design used was a survey using a checklist containing ten statements regarding common problems of novice counselors. The research was carried out on students of the class of 2021 of the Islamic Education Guidance and Counseling Study Program (BKPI) at UIN North Sumatra with a population of 150 people. The data was then analyzed using quantitative descriptive methods. The results of the research showed that students who underwent PPL-1 experienced common problems for novice counselors such as not having practical guidance or guidance (36%), being asked to do many things outside of work or the guidance and counseling program (28%), feeling that PPL was not in accordance with the theory being taught. in lectures (18%), don't know how to handle student problems (8.7%), demand immediate results (8.7%), have limited personal competence (23.3%), don't have procedures for handling problematic students (11.3%), feel mentally unprepared (16%), didn't know what to do during PPL (16%), and finally were asked to do many things outside the BK program (54%)

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How to Cite
Harwansyah Putra Sinaga, M., & Mhd Halim Yusri. (2024). PERMASALAHAN UMUM KONSELOR PEMULA, APAKAH MAHASISWA MERASAKANNYA?. CONS-IEDU, 4(1), 131-138.


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