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Preschool children are a phase of individual development around 2-6 years, when children begin to have awareness of themselves as men or women, can regulate themselves when urinating (toilet training), and recognize several things that are considered dangerous (harm themselves). One of the advantages of humans as creatures of Allah SWT. He is gifted with fitrah (feelings and abilities) to know Allah and practice His teachings. This religious nature is a disposition (basic ability) that contains the possibility or opportunity to develop. However, the direction and quality of a child's religious development really depends on the educational process they receive. A person's religious development is influenced by genetic and environmental factors. Because parents are the first and foremost educators for children, children begin to be instilled with the values of monotheism from an early age. From the definition above there is a question, namely how is the religious spirit developed in early childhood? The aim of this research is to find out what elements are in the development of the religious spirit in early childhood. This research uses a qualitative research library research approach. The data used uses primary and secondary data, the analysis used uses content analysis.
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