About the Journal

Shawtul Arab: Journal on Arabic education published twice a year since 2021 (October and April), is a peer-reviewed journal, and specializes in Arabic Education. This journal is published by the Arabic Education Department, Faculty of Education and Teachers Training, Institut Ummul Quro Al-Islami of Bogor, in partnership with IMLA Indonesia (Association of Arabic Lecturers). Click Here to Download MoU.

Editors welcome scholars, researchers and practitioners of Arabic Education around to submit scholarly articles to be published through this journal. All articles will be reviewed by experts before accepted for publication. Each author is solely responsible for the content of published articles.

Shawtul Arab: journal on Arabic education has become a CrossRef Member since year 2021. Therefore, all articles published by Shawtul Arab will have unique DOI number.

P-ISSN 2809-7149 E-ISSN 2809-7157  This journal is published periodically twice a year, every April and  Oktober

This journal registered in the http://journal2.um.ac.id/public/site/images/elaksana/crossref-logo-landscape-100.pngsystem with Digital Object Identifier (DOI) prefix 10.51192.



Current Issue

Vol. 3 No. 2 (2024): SHAWTUL ARAB
Published: 2024-04-29


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