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The aim of education in Indonesia is not only the academic achievement of students as a measure of the success of an education system. However, there are things that are also the main goal of education, namely forming students with noble morals and national character. The aim of this research is to explain, describe and explore the planning for implementing the natural school concept, the implementation of the natural school concept and efforts to optimize the natural school concept as an effort to shape the morals and character of students. This research uses a qualitative approach with the type of research used by researchers in this research is case study research. The planning carried out at the Sekolah Alam Al 'Izzah Krian Sidoarjo is carried out in a programmed manner every year. Every activity carried out will be prepared jointly through meetings by teachers, school principals and other education staff. Sekolah Alam Al 'Izzah Krian Sidoarjo in implementing each program of activities to develop the morals and character of students is based on 4 main pillars, namely scientific logic, moral pillars, leadership pillars, and business pillars. First, logic science is an activity program that trains participants' brain development. Optimization of activities at the Sekolah Alam Al 'Izzah Krian Sidoarjo is always evaluated periodically in every activity carried out
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