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This study aims to develop a Scrapsis (photosynthesis scrapbook) media for the subject of Science (IPAS) for 4th-grade students at SDN 227 Palembang, which meets the criteria of validity and practicality. This research employs a Research and Development (R&D) approach and applies the ADDIE model (Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, and Evaluate). The process of developing this media is described in detail, starting from the product specification phase, product development, expert validation, and field trials. During the analysis phase (Analyze), the researcher identified the need for a relevant teaching media for the photosynthesis topic. In the design phase (Design), the researcher created a Scrapsis media that aligns with the curriculum and the students' characteristics. The development phase (Develop) involves creating the media, which is then validated by subject matter experts and media experts. The media was tested in two stages, namely One-to-One testing and Small Group testing, involving 4th-grade students of SDN 227 Palembang. The implementation phase (Implement) involved using the media in actual classroom teaching to observe its practicality and effectiveness. The evaluation phase (Evaluate) was conducted to assess the strengths and weaknesses of the product based on feedback from students and experts. The subjects of this study were 4th-grade students at SDN 227 Palembang. The results indicated that the Scrapsis media for the photosynthesis topic was validated, with the subject matter expert's validation at 90.2% and the media expert's validation at 91.6%, both of which fall into the very valid category. The results from the One-to-One testing showed a 93.20% rating, and the Small Group testing reached 92.80%, both categorized as "very practical" based on the student questionnaires. Based on these results, the Scrapsis (photosynthesis scrapbook) media was proven to be valid and practical for use in the learning process at SDN 227 Palembang
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