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Karlina Pakaya
Najamuddin Petasolong
Firman Sidik


This study aims to analyze the factors influencing students' learning difficulties in the subject of Akidah Akhlak in class 3 MI Al-Yusra, Gorontalo City, and to examine the efforts made by teachers to overcome these learning difficulties. This research employs a qualitative approach with a field study method. Data was collected through observations of students' parents and interviews with the subject teachers regarding the learning difficulties encountered. The results reveal that many students face challenges in learning due to not revisiting previously taught materials, which leads to difficulties in answering questions during subsequent lessons. Additionally, limited instructional time prevents the completion of lessons, and a lack of focus during learning sessions causes students to struggle with understanding the subject matter. Other influencing factors include limited school facilities and a lack of student interest in learning, which is often affected by their home environment. Students who receive more attention from their families tend to find it easier to understand the material. Furthermore, students experience difficulties in memorizing Asmaul Husna. Teachers address these challenges by creating an engaging learning environment, using attractive teaching methods and media, and providing praise or rewards to motivate students. It is recommended that teachers review previously taught materials before introducing new content and apply more varied teaching methods, such as visual media, audiovisuals, and group discussions, to enhance students' interest in learning. Improving learning facilities is also crucial to ensure students can fully comprehend the lesson content in class

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